Hurray! It’s finally time to share the first Career Ideas Challenge with your students. You’ll find these free career exploration activities in your inbox on Wednesday mornings. Share them with students every week to introduce a wide variety of timely, newsworthy career options. By the end of the year, you will expose your students to dozens of interesting career ideas and, in the process, you’ll boost their career awareness and better equip them to take full advantage of college and career readiness opportunities.

Each Career Idea Challenge has three parts:

  • a brief introduction to the featured career of the week
  • questions to encourage students to seek out information using online and/or library resources
  • a problem-solving scenario to spark create problem-solving and critical thinking skills


DOWNLOAD TEACHER TIPS HERE: Challenge 1 Teacher Guide

Let us know if you h suggestions for careers and activities you’d like us to feature in the coming weeks. Thanks and happy career exploration!

Diane Lindsey Reeves

P.S. Be sure to check out our interactive middle grade career exploration collection of books and free classroom activity guides at