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What Construction Managers Need to Know


Construction managers know how things get built. Sometimes they also have the skills to build things themselves. They know quality construction work when they see it.

Does the idea of making something out of nothing appeal to you? Do you like working as a team to big jobs done? Would you like to build a career in construction? Here are some things you need to know.

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Construction managers know how things get built. Sometimes they also have the skills to build things themselves. They know quality construction work when they see it.

Does the idea of making something out of nothing appeal to you? Do you like working as a team to big jobs done? Would you like to build a career in construction? Here are some things you need to know.

Readers explore what construction managers need to know:

Construction Managers Know…How Things are Built               
Construction Managers Know…Who Builds What
Construction Managers Know…The Tools of the Trade
Construction Managers Know…How to Build Safely                    
Construction Managers Know…How to Find the Job They Want

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