It’s week 3 of the Career Ideas Challenge! For those of you, just joining us, this free weekly activity introduces a new career each Wednesday. Sometimes the featured career is a “ripped from the headlines” profession. Other times, like this week’s Video Game Designer, it is a popular career choice favored by students or industry.

While not every student who loves to play video games will find this to be the perfect career choice, it does provide an age-appropriate way to start discussions about high-tech careers. You’ll find information about lots of other cutting-edge opportunities in our brand new series, Emerging Tech Careers. Eight titles cover “the future is now” career options in Artificial Intelligence, Drone Technology, Nanomedicine, Personal Space Travel, Robot Technology, Self-Driving Car Technology, Virtual Reality, and Wearable Electronics.

Use coupon code HelloFall to save 10% on orders received before October 31st!

We would love to hear about how you are using the Career Ideas Challenge with your students. Drop us a note or call me at 919-637-0194. And, as always, free free to pass along this activity to colleagues!

Diane Lindsey Reeves

Challenge 3 Teacher GuideCareerChallenge3