We are STEAM-ing up carer exploration with Career Ideas Challenge #5. This week the featured career is Robotic Engineer–using the age-appropriate and high-interest robot as a bridge to motivate interest in STEAM learning.

I don’t have to tell you how big STEM (and the extra A for Art) is in education right now. The job outlook for many STEM-focused careers is very promising. Of course, the fact that STEM is widely seen as a means to compete in a global economy has a lot to do with that.

Make sure to stop by the Bright Futures Press website to explore other resources sure to inspire future scientists and engineers. Our Find Your Future series includes titles for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. The Emerging Tech Career series features cutting-edge career related to Artificial Intelligence, Drones, Nanomedicine, Personal Space Travel, Robots, Self-Driving Cars, Virtual Reality, and Wearable Electronics.

Use coupon code HelloFall to save 10% on orders received before October 31st!

We would love to hear about how you are using the Career Ideas Challenge with your students. Drop us a note or call me at 919-637-0194. If you know of colleagues who might like these activities, invite them to sign up for the Career Ideas Challenge on the home page of www.brightfuturespress.com.

Warmest Regards,

Diane Lindsey Reeves


Challenge 5 Teacher Guide